Presentation of Italian Aerospace Network
<p><span style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(60, 60, 60); font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); ">The presentation of the Italian Aerospace Network took place onthe 22nd of October at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing. The ceremonywas held with the presence of S.E Alberto Bradanini, the ItalianAmbassador in China, who expressed his satisfaction and thecomplete institutional support for the initiative.<br />
Among the speakers there was the Customer Service CenterDirector of AVIC XAC, Mr. Xu Xinming, who expressed a greatdeal of interest in the Italian Aerospace Network. Mr. Xu alsohighlighted the importance of the relationship that already existbetween the company he represents and some of the ItalianAerospace Network members.<br />
Mr. Tian Baohua, member of the consulting committee of theChinese Ministry of Transport and special councilor of theCivil Aviation Management Institute of China (CAMIC), thankedthe new Italian Aerospace Network for the important role that itplays to the bilateral cooperation with China.<br />
Mr. Tian expressed that in this moment, China is investing a lotin the research of the aerospace field. Italy, which is at theforefront in the aspect of technologies and aerospace design,represent an important partner for China.<br />
A lot of the guests from the Press participated in the event.Among them were CAAC NEWS, ChinaCivilAviation CCA, ChinaAviation News, Aviation Maintenance and Engineering, HuaxiaTimes, China Business News, Jinghua Times, China Daily andmany more.<br />
Important institution delegates such as the European Chamberof Commerce in China, the Italian Chamber of Commerce inChina, the Beijing Institute of Foreign Trade, Banca Intesa SanPaolo and Unicredit also participated in the event.The Italian Aerospace Network was born under the best wishesand it is starting a series of high level contacts with the supportof the institutions.<br />
Here are the links of the Chinese main information websites thatpublished the news of the event:</span></p>
<p> Civil Aviation Resource Network of China <a href="" target="_blank">link</a></p>
<p> Civil Aviation Culture Net <a href="" target="_blank">link</a></p>
<p> Net Ease <a href="" target="_blank">link</a></p>
<p> And this is the Ansa of the event:</p>
<p> Made in Italy: not only fashion, China’s aerospace field23rd October, 09:29 (ANSA) – BEIJING. Not only fashion, furnishing,eno-gastronomy, cars and industrial machines. The “Made in Italy”that arrives in China extends to the aerospace, a field that is verydear for the Asia giant and where Italy, it is at the forefront.<br />
In August 2013, some small and medium sized companies thatoperate in the aerospace field, representing the excellence of the“made in Italy” technology organized a Network. Thus, the ItalianAerospace Network (IAN) was born, joined by -at the moment- eightcomplementary companies with different specialization:Ace Labs (augmented reality systems for maintenance),Davi (plate roll and angle roll), Neos (training systems, e-learning,technical manuals), <strong>NG Way (geolocation systems)</strong>,Plyform (composite materials), Protom Group (advancedengineering), Satiz (technical publishing and communication)and TPS (integrated systems for the product support).<br />
The Italian Aerospace Network is putting its trust into the Chinesemarket; everything started in Beijing with an event launched andheld in the conference hall of the Cultural Institute of the ItalianEmbassy in Beijing. The ceremony took place in the presenceof the Italian Ambassador to China Alberto Bradanini, whoexpressed his satisfaction and the complete support for theinitiative: “I applaud the initiative of the creation of the ItalianAerospace Network -said the Ambassador- a network that bringstogether, under only one umbrella, several excellences of theItalian aviation technology. The Chinese market is huge and atthe same time really complex. To be able to take up theopportunities, the Italian companies need a lot of preparationand, where possible, to achieve the critical mass necessary togovern the development of the market. I therefore believe thatwith the creation of this network of very high technological levelcompanies there are good conditions for the Italian companies topenetrate in the Chinese market.” “The Italian Embassy encouragesand supports all the initiatives that affirm the Italian technologicalexcellence in China”, concluded the Ambassador.</p>
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